sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012

Pigeon Canker

Canker (Trichomonosiasis) is the most common racing pigeons disease .Usually canker is transmited from one pigeon to another pigeon usually through the water and parent pigeons can infect their kids.
Is Estimated than 80% of pigeons are infected with canker   but majority rarely  show symptoms the most exposed to the disease are  the young pigeons.
However, stress cand be a cause of canker at pigeons.

Symptoms of canker at pigeons.
-repeated swallowind
-loss of weight
-looks ruffled
-increase water intake
- fly time is verry small
-yellow mucous in the throat of the pigeon

Form of canker

Pharyngeal Form:Yellow mucous cand be observed  in the throat  and the  buttons    formed can inhibit  feed , water and even the respiration.

Umbilical canker:Canker passes from the infected next into the body of the young pigeon  wich is still in the next

Organ form : This is the most severe form  and the canker can atack  internal organs usually is found in the liver and the symptoms can be ruffled plumage as well as diarrhea.

 Canker Treatment Ronidazole  is the most used medicament for canker cure.


Do a high santitation , santized drinkers , clean watter at all times, mantain regular feeding  and try do not stress to much the  pigeons.

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